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Welcome to Rockside Ranch

2421 N. State Highway 3
Etna, California 96027

To help you men overcome crisis and thrive in work and life.

Find us on the web at, or call us at (530) 467-4044


The types of camps we operate include:

Resident Camp
Trip/Travel Camp (bikes, cruises, ski trips, etc.)
Work Camp

Programming We Offer:

Young Adults

Throughout the year, you’ll find the following special emphasis camps (or themes) during one or more of our sessions:

Outdoor Education
Team Building

Recognizing that some guests have special needs and may not be able to participate in regular camping programs, we set aside camp sessions specifically for guests with the following conditions:

Emotional Disorders
Behavioral Disorders
Substance Abuse

While you’re here, you may want to take advantage of the following activities we offer:

Horseback Riding
Nature Center
Beach Front
Fishing Area

Interested in renting our facilities? We are happy to rent our facilities to the following groups/types:

Single Adults

These are the types of accommodations we offer:

Bed & Breakfast
RV Sites

Kitchen Facilities Use

Kitchen for Staff only

We are set up to handle the following group sizes in the various seasons:

During the summer, we can take care of up to 18 guests. In the spring, we can accommodate 18 guests. Our winter capacity is 18. Finally, in fall, we have enough room for 18 guests.



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