Maximize your Ministry

Member Benefits

We want to make sure you have all the tools and resources to maximize your ministry, expand your reach and grow your impact. We exist as an association to do just that. As a CCCA camp/conference member, you will benefit from:


CCCA offers both print and online publications that will encourage and equip you to maximize your ministry.

In Print:

  • InSite Magazine: CCCA’s award-winning, bi-monthly magazine is mailed to all individual members. It focuses on trends in camp ministry and Christian living and provides training from thought-leaders who understand your challenges. Each issue brings you relevant articles and insights that can easily be applied to your own camp or conference setting. (InSite is available to non-members by subscription.)
  • Focus Series: You’ll find more than 20 titles in CCCA’s highly acclaimed Focus Series. These four-page documents are perfect to provide valuable information about camp ministry to counselors, pastors, board members, parents and others involved with your ministry.
  • Compass Survey: This industry survey of nearly 300 member camps provides valuable insights and tools for you and your ministry. 


  • Gregg Hunter's Blog: Join CCCA President/CEO Gregg Hunter as he shares thoughts on life, leadership and Christian camping.
  • Flint & Steel E-Newsletter: Watch your inbox on the first and third Tuesday of each month for association bulletins, industry-related news, statistics and trends, new product and service information, and special offers.
Tools & Services

Think of us as the extended staff for your camp or conference center. We believe in you and your ministry, so we develop tools and services to help you maximize your ministry. 

  • Marketing Plan in a Box: As much as camp and conference centers exist to serve as a ministry, we all know that they have to also be run as a business to have the greatest reach and impact. Marketing is essential in an effective camp or conference ministry, and we’ve got just what you need to make it manageable. CCCA’s Marketing Plan in a Box offers both basic marketing strategies and the latest in effective marketing techniques. You’ll find tens of thousands of dollars worth of marketing know-how. The tactics are easy to implement, even with a small staff or budget. The online resource offers marketing tools such as:
    • Selecting target audiences and identifying best opportunities for growth
    • Use of social media tools and policies
    • Public relations tactics (e-blasts, press releases, crisis communication)
    • Advertising templates and latest trends
    • Step-by-step basics for building a strategic marketing plan
    • And much more!
  • Public Service Announcements: CCCA radio public service announcements are available to use at your local radio station. You and/or your radio station can personalize them to include your camp’s name and radio station’s call letters.
  • Toll-Free HELP Line: CCCA members have access to support and resources through a help line. You’ll talk to a real person who can help you find answers to your most pressing issues, help navigate difficult situations on your property, connect you to other members who may have similar issues, pray with you, and direct you to trusted services and resources.

Your CCCA membership gives you access to job tools, our searchable database, the exclusive My CCCA website, ALERTs, and other resources. 

  • Searchable Camp Directory: CCCA maintains one of the most extensive online databases of Christian camps, conferences, and retreat centers. Through the searchable online membership directory, only CCCA members have coast-to-coast exposure to parents, campers, guests, retreat planners, and others to easily locate camps to suit their needs. Your membership gives you a listing with a link directly to your website, giving the public direct access to your latest information.
  • Searchable Business Member Directory: CCCA is pleased to make available our business member companies and organizations to our member camps. Our business members offer a wide variety of helpful products and services to assist you in maximizing ministry. Search by company name, product/service categories and/or keyword. 
  • Job Center: Members can submit job openings to be posted on the CCCA site. Your job postings will be searchable by the general public who visit the CCCA site, and anyone interested in the positions will contact you directly. Also, search CCCA’s online résumés to find the ideal candidate for your year-round or seasonal positions.
  • My CCCA: Think of My CCCA as your personal CCCA website. Personalized for each member, the CCCA members-only site provides easy access to CCCA’s multiple online tools, news, and association updates. Here you’ll find any inquiries from the general public about your camp or conference center, and you can easily update your membership information or renew your membership.
  • Member ALERTs: The ALERT (Advanced Leadership Email Relay Tool) system allows executive directors and section presidents to communicate with each other and other members about issues critical to their camp. You can choose to receive ALERTs originating in your area or those from any area of the country, and you can opt out of the emails at any time. 
  • Member-to-Member Networking Directory: Here you can find other like-minded camping professionals with whom you can network and exchange ideas. You can search the database by name, position, state, camp name or any combination of these criteria to find the people you’re looking to connect with, whether you have a question for them or are looking for insight into an issue you think they would relate to.
National Events and Training

CCCA is the largest nationwide organization in the U.S. offering targeted education and training to Christian camp and conference professionals. At CCCA events throughout the year, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to gain valuable knowledge and skills. Learn about all the CCCA events at our Events page.

Get valuable training with our exclusive Excellence in Training events. Held monthly, these events connect you to top leaders in the hospitality, legal, camping industries and more. Visit our Events page for more details.


Each of CCCA's 24 sections provide close-to-home events and training that your camp/conference staff will find extremely beneficial in terms of education, networking and much more. Visit the Sections page for information pertaining to specific sections or the Events page to browse all sectional conferences which typically take place in the January-April time frame. 

Online Tools & Services

The powerful tool of social media serves a great purpose when you’re trying to connect with people who understand you and the unique world in which you work. Connect with other CCCA members on our Facebook page or on Twitter to start a discussion, get questions answered, and get the latest news that relates to Christian camping. Also, take advantage of social media tools created by CCCA for member use.  

NEW! Digital Membership
Members-Only Web Features

Our expansive library now holds over 1,800 articles from past InSite magazines. We've worked hard on the library to help you find exactly what you need, right when you need it.

Exclusive Programs

As we help CCCA members maximize their ministries, we know that helping them save money is important. We offer these members-only programs and benefits to help you improve your bottom line and better steward your funds.

  • Enhanced Benefits Insurance Program: Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. is recognized by CCCA as a preferred insurance provider for specialized resources to help reduce CCCA camps' risks. Church Mutual has been insuring purpose-driven organizations for more than 125 years and providing CCCA camps with both traditional and specialized coverages for more than 40 years. Coverages include property and general liability, umbrella liability, commercial automobile, workers’ compensation and more. Visit to learn more.
  • Group Buying: CCCA has launched Thriving Goods – The Marketplace for CCCA Members. Go here to learn more about Thriving Goods.
  • Christian Video Licensing: Showing movies and other programs at your camp requires a public performance license by law. Christian Video Licensing International (CVLI) is authorized by over 1000 Hollywood and Christian producers to issue the CVLI Video License for copyright compliance. CCCA members receive discounted pricing on this affordable annual license.
  • The Power of Camp: This national marketing and awareness building campaign grows esteem for Christian camping. Special member-only tools are available for camp use, and the campaign website points visitors directly to CCCA members.
  • Corners of the Field: CCCA helps raise funds to send kids to camp who normally couldn’t afford to go. Only CCCA members are eligible to apply for these scholarships.
  • NextGen Leaders: Through a one-to-one mentoring program and other tools, CCCA helps equip young people at member camps to be the best ministry leaders they can be. We provide resources for a list of topics that are important in leading a camp ministry and continually work to deliver more material in support of this important effort.

While costs for most of the programs listed above are covered through membership dues, some programs and products are offered at additional, member-discounted fees. Member services are upgraded regularly and are subject to change.

Member Endorsements

“Thank you, CCCA, for serving Christian camps and for connecting me to brothers and sisters in Christ who understand my challenges and rewards like no one else.”

Aaron Scarborough
Program Director
Sacramento Assembly

We see great value in the association. Our biggest draw are the get-togethers, either regionally or nationally, with people who understand what we do, what our challenges are, to rejuvenate, and to explore new ideas. We continue to appreciate the personal touch that comes from being a member of CCCA and meeting the staff and other camp professionals face-to-face. 

Darla Roe
Executive Director
Camp Ida-Haven



View our full Member Benefits brochure

Business Member Benefits

Christian Camp & Conference Association members are on a mission to serve people, develop relationships and change lives. Nearly 850 Christian camps, conference centers and retreat centers are members of CCCA. Each year over 5.5 million children, youth and adults participate in CCCA members’ programs. About 90 percent of our member facilities are open year-round.

As a CCCA Business Member, you could build a significant relationship with CCCA members. Your Business Member status is your best introduction to this unique camp community as it provides you with access to exclusive benefits—including special rates on most marketing opportunities. You can learn more by calling CCCA at (888) 922-2287, ext. 121, or by emailing

Business Member Benefits

For only $619/year you will receive:

Online Benefits

  • New product or service announcements in “Member News” section of the members-only section of the CCCA website

Complimentary Publication Subscriptions

  • Two InSite magazine subscriptions ($96 value)
  • Two subscriptions to Flint & Steel, a member-only e-newsletter

Special Discounts

  • Save 10% on InSite magazine advertising placements
  • Members get discounts on mailing list rentals (save up to $130)
  • Secure early exhibit space selection and a discount on CCCA National Conference exhibit hall space (save $500)

CCCA Business Membership Logo

Include the CCCA Business Member logo in your advertising, publications and mailings. Camps look for the logo to know who supports their community.

Who are CCCA Members?

Christian Camp & Conference Association members are on a mission to serve people, develop relationships and change lives.

  • Nearly 850 Christian camps, conference centers and retreat centers are members of CCCA.
  • Each year over 5.5 million children, youth and adults participate in CCCA members’ programs.
  • CCCA members identify themselves as:
    • resident camps (88%)
    • retreat centers (81%)
    • day camps (37%)
    • conference centers (35%)
    • wilderness/trip camps (24%)
  • The average CCCA member facility was founded 50 years ago with nonprofit ownership (95%) and operates year-round (88%).

These camps and conference centers offer a variety of activities and services to their guests, including:

  • Programs for families (45%)
  • Day camps (40%)
  • RV/tent sites (61%)
  • Adventure/wilderness recreation (28%)
  • Horseback riding/arena (26%)
  • Outdoor education (22%)
  • Swimming pools (52%)
  • Waterfront recreation (53%)
  • Nature centers (20%)
  • Paintball (19%)
  • Ropes/challenge courses (63%)
  • And more!
Promote Your Business with CCCA

The CCCA Marketing Media Kit includes everything you need to take advantage of the association's opportunities to promote your business. It features the InSite Rate Card, a mailing list rental form, and a business membership application. Download the full kit now or read about individual opportunities on our Business Opportunities page.


Are you a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in your field? Do you have business-related content that you'd love to share with camp/conference members? CCCA invites you to contribute to our Christian Camping Resource Library of over 3,000 articles. Your one to two page article must be helpful and educational, but not advertorial in nature. Check out the guidelines, then submit your content to

Business Member Directory

View our Business Member Directory. Your company can be listed here as well if you become a CCCA Business Member, giving you access to the leaders in the camping movement. To join today, complete and return CCCA’s Business Membership Application or apply online using the link below.