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I. QUALIFICATIONS: Love God, Love People, Love Serving Luke 10:25-27
A. Assurance of Salvation
B. Ability to lead a camper to Christ
C. Ability to teach campers Christian growth
D. Be maturing spiritually
E. Have a genuine love for campers of all races
F. Ability to get along with fellow workers
G. Enthusiasm and willingness to learn
H. Agree with and willing to cooperate with Cedine's doctrinal statement and philosophy
I. Be willing to work at other jobs if needed
J. Attitude of friendliness and unselfishness

A. Head counselor in cooperation with the Camp Director and Program Director

A. Campers
B. Counselor-in-training/ Assistant Counselor in your cabin

A. Spiritual
1. Maintain personal fellowship with God through daily communication with Him
2. Present yourself to God daily for His use. Romans 12:1
3. Seek and take advantage of opportunities to counsel
a. Lead them to Christ
b. Encourage them to read the Bible and grow in Christ
c. Lead them into victory over sin
4. Lead your cabin in devotions; don't preach, just help them meet God
5. Encourage them to be a witness at home, school and church
6. Debrief Bible Study during morning
B. Physical
1. To keep up with and remain in the presence of your campers whenever they are not at an achievement activity.
2. Win the confidence of each camper by genuine love
3. Encourage and help the camper to keep clean
4. Observe camper's health and refer them to the nurse when needed
5. Lead and/or encourage them in new camping skills
6. Catch them being good and discipline when necessary; never use physical force.
7. Help campers know and keep the rules
8. Know chore descriptions and help campers do their job well
9. Be willing to help with chores on weekend
10. Coordinate Cabin Activities and Camper Counselor Night with Activity Director.
11. Make sure your campers pack all of their belongings on Saturday, before breakfast, and that campers (if applicable) pick up their craft from the craft area.

A. Attend Counselor Training before camp opens
B. Participate in daily staff meeting
C. Saturday afternoons and Monday mornings are for taking care of personal needs and getting ready for next week. Sunday is your day off from camping responsibilities; however attending Sunday morning worship service is expected.

Time:  Full-Time Seasonal
Salary:  Paid - Must Raise Partial Support
Category:  Counseling



Updated: 3/5/2025 11:30:33 AM

Job Contact:
Garry Griffin
(423) 365-9565

Send Resume

Why work at Cedine Bible Camp & Conference Center:

Are you interested in an internship? Are you interested in being stretched for God? In reaching the lost for Christ? In making a difference in a urban child's life (many who could not afford to come to camp)? In a cross-cultural ministry opportunity for the summer? If so, check out Cedine Bible Camp! We believe in investing in our staff by helping them to grow spiritually as well as equipping them for future employment. We believe that if our staff are passionate about their relationship with Jesus that will overflow to the campers and their hearts will be turned toward Jesus!

    Spring City, TN 37381

(423) 365-9565

Recruiting Video (if applicable):