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Shoshone Mountain Ranch Program Lead

The Shoshone Mountain Ranch Program Lead is responsible for scheduling, planning, and leading the ranch camp program and its staff. Coordinate logistics, lead campfires & Bible Studies, and work alongside the wranglers at the Ranch to provide an excellent experience for ranch campers.

Time:  Full-Time Seasonal
Salary:  Paid
Category:  Programming



Updated: 1/24/2025 4:34:27 PM

Job Contact:
Meggie Cross
(208) 667- 3459

Send Resume

Why work at Shoshone Mountain Retreat & Ranch:

Summer Staff positions are tremendously rewarding, incredibly challenging, and tons of fun! We look forward to serving alongside you!

29216 Coeur d'Alene River Rd.
    Wallace, ID 83873

(208) 667- 3459

Recruiting Video (if applicable):