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Camp Haluwasa in South New Jersey has a residential, full-time, hands-on opening in maintenance. Looking for a Godly person experienced in general maintenance skills including carpentry, plumbing, electrical, lite vehicle and grounds work. Compensation includes a home, utilities, good pay, and more. Send a cover letter with resume to     

Time:  Full-Time Year Round
Salary:  Paid
Category:  Facilities/Maintenance



Updated: 2/27/2025 3:57:57 PM

Job Contact:
William Ellwanger
(609) 561-3081

Send Resume

Why work at Haluwasa, Inc.:

An exciting ministry opportunity for someone that has a servant heart and a willingness to serve as a team member.

377 Ehrke Road
    Hammonton, NJ 08037-9540

(609) 561-3081

Recruiting Video (if applicable):