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Executive Director
Mission Statement: In the spirit of Christian hospitality Sacramento Camp and Conference Center welcomes all who come to our mountaintop setting. We seek to encourage spiritual enrichment by offering each group and individual Christian acceptance, caring service, and opportunities for life transformation. Slogan: Come to the Mountain! Let God Refresh Your Soul! Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Support and Assist the SCCC Board of Directors in providing effective trusteeship of the camp. • Recommend to the Board program and policy changes and new programs and policies needed to support and grow the camp ministry. • Develop short and long range goals for the management of the camp and for the promotion of the gospel of Jesus Christ with respect to camping and retreat ministries at SCCC. • Develop in consultation with camp staff and the Board an annual operating budget. • Recommend for adoption by the Board, a rate structure to support the camp’s annual budget and ministry. • Report to the Board on all aspects of the camp ministry. Administer and Manage the Camp on a day to day basis. • Establish and maintain financial record and reporting systems, which conform to established accounting principles. • Hire, train, supervise and evaluate the work of SCCC staff. • Maintain and revise as needed the Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual and assure compliance with the policies and procedures. • Provide support for the preventive maintenance of camp facilities and infrastructure enhancements. Promote and Communicate the benefits and ministry opportunities of SCCC. • Create and sustain methods of promoting SCCC • Develop and distribute promotional materials • Represent SCCC at important Church/Denominational gatherings and those of other groups that might be potential guests of the SCCC camp and retreat center. • Ensure SCCC has an engaging, informative, and accurate website Develop Friends and Funds to support camp and conference ministry • Develop new income streams, including grants • Provide stewardship resources, models, and training to encourage a spirit of generosity for the SCCC camping and retreat ministry. Foster and Nurture relationships with the community of camp, conference and church staff, laity and clergy, as well as volunteers and SCCC staff committed to providing quality camping and retreat ministries. • Support a camp atmosphere where a “ministry of hospitality” flourishes and God’s grace can be experienced. Development and management of the staff and volunteers where the “Fruits of the Spirit” as identified in Galations 5:22-23 are of key importance. Required Skills and Qualifications: Demonstrate a commitment to serving Jesus Christ. Agrees with the biblical core values as based on the Apostles’ Creed. Is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, and the work of the Holy Spirit in conveying God’s truth and grace to all people. Education: Evidence of commitment to lifelong learning through continuing education, certifications, etc. (Bachelor’s Degree with continuing education preferable) Experience: Demonstrated extensive experience in camp and conference ministry or in a similar administrative setting/and or related field. Attributes: • Technologically proficient • Effective communication, organizational, and management skills • Demonstrated fund development and marketing experience • Ability to speak Spanish is helpful. Responsible to the SCCC Board. The Executive Director will determine his/her work in consultation with the SCCC Board. for more info on facilities etc.
Time: Full-Time Year Round
Salary: Paid
Category: Executive Director
Updated: 3/10/2025 7:58:39 PM
Job Contact:
Bill McCuaig
(575) 722-2267
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