Photo courtesy of Inspiration Point Christian Camp and Conference Center.

Excellence in Training

Excellence in Training is a CCCA strategic initiative designed to deliver training that is relevant to Christian camping, powerful in its impact and easily accessible. CCCA aims to deliver training opportunities, resources and experiences that will maximize ministry for members.

Grant Writing Panel

March 18, 2021

This month, CCCA presents a panel discussion on grant writing.

Grant Writing – Uncover the Mystery

Does grant writing seem mysterious? Are you looking to grants as solutions to budget woes? Or does grant writing feel like too much effort, followed by rejection or silence?

Here’s the thing: your ministry can submit grant requests that are well-researched, well-written and have a strong likelihood of being approved. Imagine applying to foundations that are eager to receive these requests. It is possible because foundations are led by people who want to make wise grants and who are eager to use their grant funds for worthy causes and ministries.

Join CCCA Fundraising Coach Scott Shaw and fellow Mission Increase leaders as they share their best tips—and cautions—for establishing or improving your own approach to grant-seeking.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Tips for becoming “grant ready”
  • Best practices for building lasting partnerships with foundations
  • Techniques for crafting successful grant proposals, including common pitfalls to avoid

Download the Mission Increase toolkit (MS Word).


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