Give a Gift
For CCCA members only
Ask anyone who has attended a Christian camp or conference center as a child or teenager, and chances are you’ll hear stories of how that experience shaped their life and their faith, how it clarified their purpose and ignited their passion.
"Camp was my favorite place while growing up! It was a great place to learn and grow. It was also a good break, in some ways, from the things happening back home...chaos in my parents' broken relationship." —Kimberly
"I went to an awesome one-week camp from the time I was 8 to 18. Then I went as a group leader for several years. I learned how to pray, conduct my daily devotionals, how to worship, how to support my peers and seek godly friendships. I learned about the Holy Spirit. Now I send my son. It was life changing for me." —Jennifer
"I spent many summers at camp! I worshiped, developed great friendships, and learned to love God and people in new ways." —Matthew
Send a kid to camp
CCCA aims to get more kids to camp through its initiative called Corners of the Field. Each summer, we want to send to camp as many underprivileged kids as possible. We believe life-changing encounters with God, in the majesty of His natural playground, are not-to-be-missed opportunities for all young people, regardless of their financial means.
CCCA raises funds to provide camper scholarships for member camps and conference centers. The program is inspired by the book of Leviticus, in which farmers were commanded to help the poor by leaving them the corners of the field. We know God cares for the spiritual well-being of people just as He cares for their physical bodies and the sustenance they require, and we want to help meet their spiritual need.
Would you consider helping to send one or more kids to camp this summer? One full scholarship is $200. Partial scholarship donations are welcome as well. In recent years, because the need is so great, we have only been able to award one-third of the requests for camp scholarships we receive from member camps. Won't you help us increase that percentage so more children will hear about and know the God who created them and loves them?
You can help change a life
Along with sending more kids to camp, CCCA exists to maximize ministry for member camps and conference centers; that is, to help equip the men and women who are called to serve at Christian camps and conference centers. We train the leaders of the next generation of Christian camp and conference professionals. We offer resources and tools to help each camp or conference center expand their ministry. You can be a part of that as well by giving a gift to CCCA.
Donate Today
Donations are gratefully accepted from individuals or organizations. CCCA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax-deductible. Consult a tax attorney for specifics to your situation. To send a kid to camp or help CCCA equip Christian camp staff members to do their jobs more effectively, please give your gift to CCCA today!
Give your gift today!
For CCCA members only
If you prefer to mail or fax a pledge card, then print, complete and mail or fax this printable pledge card. On the designation line, please specify Corners of the Field or CCCA.
Mail pledge cards to:
Christian Camp and Conference Association
P.O. Box 62189
Colorado Springs, CO 80962-2189
Thank you for your heart and generosity in helping campers experience The Power of Camp!